**General Membership Meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the MADTA building**
Event Volunteer Hours Tracking Sheet: Event volunteer hours tracking sheet .pdf
Adult members (individuals eighteen years of age and older) who are in the membership categories defined below may vote and hold office.
1. Single: Membership for 1 eligible adult individual
2. Household: Open to 2 adult family members living in the same house; i.e. spouse/partner, parent/adult child.
Juniors are highly encouraged to join and enjoy the benefits of membership. They are welcome in all training classes and have the unique experience of learning from highly experienced instructors. Learn organizational skills as they work along side the adult volunteers to sponsor a variety of AKC and UKC dog sports.
Lifetime Membership
1. Lifetime members are considered members in good standing.
2. Criteria for Appointment
a. Maintained membership as a member in good standing for a minimum of fifteen (15) consecutive years.
b. Approved by the Board.
c. Nominated by a member and voted upon during any general membership meeting.
d. Have made significant contribution/s to the welfare and operation of the Club.
3. Lifetime Members are exempt from all requirements of membership
4. Title renews annually and automatically and may be subject to Board review and voting action by the general membership.