Excellent/Master Scent Work Class
2024 Session 1
To register scroll to the lower left corner and select the register button.
If the register button is not found select the add to waitlist button, the class is full we will do our best to find an opening if possible.
If you encounter difficulties in registering for the class contact the training director Betsy Powers email: DirectorofTrainingMadta@gmail.com
Class Description
This class will take you and your dog on from beginner/novice to more difficult searches involving multiple odors with greater difficulty levels. This session will be held at the MADTA Clubhouse.
Dog Crates are required for this class.
Marion-Alachua Dog Training Association
Office: 352-369-5551
Email: MADTABoard@gmail.com
6600 NW 3rd Place Ocala, FL 34482